June 15, 2016

Brief History

A Brief History

There was a long felt need to have an English Congregation Church in Kohima with evangelical and sound doctrinal standing where people irrespective of their ethnic, linguistic and cultural background could come together for worship. This felt need was realised with the founding of City Church in July 2000 through the initiative of a few likeminded families. City Church became an Associate member of NBCC in February 2007. Over the years, the diversity in background and community of its members has added flavour and richness to the fellowship.

Located in the heart of Kohima, City Church seeks to cater to the spiritual needs of its worshippers. The Lordship of Christ and the centrality of the Word occupy central stage in the life and ministry of the Church. All activities of the church focus towards fulfilling the fivefold aim of Worship, Evangelism, Fellowship, Discipleship and Mission. Since 2009, the ministry of the church has been centralised by bringing the various departments under one administrative umbrella of the church. Besides ensuring better coordination, this system has built a greater sense of belonging in the body of Christ. Nowhere is this more evident than in seeing the children look forward to the Sunday School classes, the youth studying the Word and taking up challenges in translating them in their context. Beside praying and studying the Word together, the Women’s group visits homes for fellowship to strengthen their bond in Christ and to be spiritually enriched their Bible study groups.

Aims and Vision

VISION statement of the City Church:

City Church, Kohima seeks to honor and worship God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit;building the Body of Christ(The Church) with all who love Him as disciples; being Salt and Light to society; proclaim Jesus Christ the only Saviour and Lord to all nations.

AIMS of the City Church:

Worship: To Worship God and exalt His name together as a Church.

Fellowship: To build the body of Christ with all who love Him through mutual sharing, help and growth.

Evangelism: To witness for Christ both by proclamation and by lifestyle so as to cause others to experience God’s great salvation.

Discipleship: To establish members as disciples of Jesus Christ through systematic Bible Studies and teaching and equip them for effective service.

Mission: To send out people in obedience to God’s call and command to reach the un-reached for Christ.