July 27, 2018




Jesus closes his famous Sermon on the Mount with three mental pictures - the narrow path, the fruitful tree and the house on the rock. Preachers often take these examples separately and apply them to different situations in life. But I believe we need to take them together because it is a connected series of mental pictures and ideas Jesus is building upon. They are like building blocks, each supporting the other to form a unit, or to reach a point.

The Narrow Gate:

The entry point is narrow and not many people find it. Well, actually, it has to find you. For the believer, the narrow path means that many of the options available to those on the broad path are not available to the believer. Jesus lays only two options before us: “narrow or wide path; good or bad tree, strong or weak house”. It is either one or the other. There is no middle path. If believers are to live this way, it means that we will have to eliminate most of the options available to us that may make our lives more convenient and richer. We may have to give up some options of making money; or some important connections; or to avoid business dealings which are not ethical. Walking this narrow road is one where we will encounter suffering for choosing the truth and doing the right thing. But this suffering is essential for spiritual progress, growth and fruitfulness. Nobody wants to suffer without a reason. But Jesus assures us that suffering for truth and righteousness brings great benefit to the soul. And if we are truly convinced of the great value of the eternal soul as opposed to the temporal, then suffering can be endured.

The Fruitful Tree:

The fruitful tree is a result of the endurance of the narrow road. I love planting seeds and watching them grow. It usually takes days for a tiny seed to break open, send the roots down and form tiny little leaves. I endure [and enjoy] the period of waiting, weeding and watching. But I know that this tiny little seed also endures exposure to all the powerful forces of nature, which is the only way for the tree is to grow and bear fruit. the greatest joys and thrill of the Christian life is actually discovering that spiritual seeds can grow and bear fruit.

The House on the Rock:

The third corollary in the series of mental picture Jesus presents is the house on the rock. This is a symbol of safety, stability and security. We all work to ensure stability and security for our families. If one thinks that he has achieved considerable level of security and stability for his family, then he can relax and devote more time to other things outside family concerns. The presence of stability, security and safety is necessary for ministry and life to progress. And here is the wonderful promise: if we walk in the narrow path, if we endure weeding the sin and waiting on God, God promises that He will ensure the security, stability and safety for us. God will provide, empower and protect. Therefore, these three mental pictures that Jesus presents to us should be taken together as building upon one another. Endure the narrow path, and see God bring fruitfulness and stability.